System Roles
Superadmin: Superadmins have full view and permissions for everything on the system. Superadmins can:
- Delete orders
- Delete workers
- Issue payments
- Approve invoices
- Export worker list
- Export customer list
- Superadmins CANNOT be coordinators, managers, or collaborators on orders
Coordinator: Coordinators are individuals in your organization who are responsible for filling staffing orders. Coordinators only see jobs associated to them. Coordinators cannot:
- Delete workers
- Issue payments
- Approve invoices
- Export worker list
- Export customer list
Customer: Customers are individuals who place staffing orders with your company. Permissions and system accessibility are customizable by turning on/off configurations under each Customer's profile.
Manager: Managers manage a team of individuals and have visibility of staffing orders for all Coordinators on their team. Managers have the same permissions as coordinators. The only difference is Managers see all orders for members on their team, where coordinators only see jobs they are assigned to. Managers cannot:
- Delete workers
- Issue payments
- Approve invoices
- Export worker list
- Export customer list
Collaborators: Collaborators are secondary Coordinators assigned to an order.