Importing Orders
The Order Importer allows you to post multiple jobs once when all orders have the same:
- Customer
- Coordinator
- Account Team
- Project
- Recap
- Job Details and requirements
To import orders, you will need to download and complete the Order Template.
Event Name: The name of your job.
IMPORTANT: Each Event Name must be unique. Even if I have additional events for the same customer at the same location on different days, you must create a unique name for each Event
Date(s): Must be formatted like this (M/DD/YYYY)
Start Time: Start time of the job, must include AM or PM
# of Hours: The duration of the job (whole numbers only)
Address 1: Contains the primary street address information
Address 2: Contains the floor, suite or mail stop number
City, State and Zip: Correspondence to the address, requires 2 letter state and 5 digit zip code
Staff Type: Must match exactly exactly how the staff/worker type is listed in Armada. You can copy and paste. Make sure there are not spaces at the end of the role type. It must match Armada exactly.
Internal Staff Name: A different job title to appear for candidate decks, invoicing and reports. Leave blank if no internal staff name
Wage Type: Hourly, Flat Rate or Weekly
Billed Rate: What you will be charging the customer (whole numbers only)
Staff Pay: What you will be paying your workers (whole numbers only)
# of Staff: How many workers needed for the job
Onsite Contact Name: Name of person for workers to reach out to for the particular order
Onsite Contact #: Phone number for the onsite contact on the order